News & Publications


Privacy Policy

The Trust Privacy Policy sets out the way in which the personal information each of the GGF entities receives in respect of its Beneficiaries and Members is managed to ensure compliance with Privacy Legislation (Privacy Act 1988), the Australian Privacy Principles and internal GGF processes and procedures.

It seeks to provide assurance around the management of that information and an avenue for complaint in the event that you feel your Privacy has or may have been breached.

Whistleblowing Policy

The GGF is committed to the highest standards of good governance, legal, ethical and moral behaviour and in that regard recognises that its employees, contractors, suppliers and Beneficiaries may be the first to identify concerns of wrongdoing, either perceived or real.

The purpose of the Whistleblowing Policy is to provide a framework for a supportive work environment where legitimately held concerns of wrongdoing held by an Officer (Directors or Executives), Employee or Contractor providing services or goods to a GGF entity, can be raised without fear of reprisal.

Members or Beneficiaries wishing to raise complaints should refer to the GGF Complaints policy/process.

The policy will be reviewed every three years.

Group Meetings Policy

The Group Meetings Policy has been developed to provide a guide to the Beneficiaries of the GGF on the procedures of meetings of the Foundation with specific consideration to the different types of meetings the Foundation may hold, the requirements of holding those meetings, conduct at meetings, proxy information, registrations information, allowances for attendees of the meetings and taxation.

Complaints and Disputes Policy

The Complaints and Disputes Policy has been prepared by Gumala Investments Pty Ltd as Trustee for the General Gumala Foundation Trust (“GIPL”, “Gumala Trust”) and is a policy which will apply to all Beneficiaries, Directors and employees.


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